Kabul Education

Kabul Education

Local News Kabul

News ID : 90028 Video Version : 1 Script Version : 1

File Size : 105.00 KB duration2:45


 Encourage students not to be afraid of explosions.


The solidarity group in kabul encouraged students to go to school at a meeting. They gave pens and flowers to encourage and sympathize the students


Few days ago, ten students of a school in Kabul were killed.

The solidarity group encouraged students to go to school at a meeting. They gave pens and flowers to encourage and sympathize the students.
A few days ago, Abdul Rahim Shaheed High School was attacked in which 11 students were killed.
the solidarity group leader said  'attacking schools was inhumane'

Abdul Hussein Farahmand,  Solidarity Group Leader,added 
We gave the students a pen and a flower as a gift so that the students could go to schoolŲŒOur children must be educated because education is the only way to solve our problems 

Ghulam Haider Hussain, Manager Abdul Rahim Shaheed High School,said
We tell our enemies that we will go to school, we have seen many explosions in mosques, parks and schools, but school is our fortress, we do not give up our education

Azizullah Ahmadi,  Student said 'This is the first day after the attack that I went to school. I am very happy that my classmates are continuing their education. We will try our best after this and such incidents will not deprive us of education